Q.: What’s the minimum order quantity (MOQ) per product line?
They are no MOQ per product line. Products are sold by inner packs or individually depending on the product. Many product lines offer assortments. Our objective is to accommodate our customers with the largest variety of products within an order.
Q.: What’s the minimum order to take advantage of free shipping?
Retailers’ minimum order for our free shipping service is $350 for Quebec and Ontario. Orders less than $350 have applicable shipping fees.
Retailers’ minimum order for our free shipping service is $650 for Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia and the Maritimes. Orders less than $650 have applicable shipping fees.
Q.: What’s the «No Money Lost Guarantee»?
The «No Money Lost Guarantee» means that when you liquidate products that are not moving sufficiently in store after a period of time, A1 Imports will compensate you with additional products that sell well in your store. It is important that products are well located in your store prior to liquidating them.
Q.: I bought a Slick® lighter and it doesn’t work. What do I do?
The first thing you do is check if the flame is properly adjusted. Please visit the ADJUSTMENT web page on our Slick® Lighters website at www.slicklighters.ca.
The Slick® lighter is 100% guaranteed. If it’s still not working, you must bring it back to the store you purchased it for replacement. Retailers are serviced by A1 Imports sales force that manages any product returned to the stores.